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24 May 2011

Government to increase electricity tariff? And, RON95 price? (24 May 2011)

Before Government making the decision on two of the most important necessity of Rakyat, let us make a guess first. I know this would be a hot debate on whether Government should increase the electricity tariff and RON95 petrol price. Actually, both are linked closely with crude oil - the black GOLD.

Electricity Tariff

For TNB, the revise is crucial for its sustainably of the company to continue electrified Malaysia's economy. In fact, this is a long overdue issue, delay and postpone until now. But, why now? I believes that Government, initially wanted to review the tariff once the much anticipated general election. But, the Sarawak state election result could have derailed the early election plan. If we don't review now, TNB may facing financial difficulties which may impact the cash flow and credit ratings of its debts. High natural gas price is affecting the bottom line of the company.
Petrol RON95 price
Comparing to its brother (RON97), we should be more than happy to still pumping at current price. The last review is on December 2010, and the 6 months grace period will end by June 2011. In other words, next month (June 2011) would be schedule to revise the price again. Actually, this is not a surprise move given that the Government had already gradually cutting subsidies since last year. And, he did mentioned that petrol price will be subsidy-free by 2013.

Conclusion by Finance Malaysia
Confidently, we predicts that Government will revise both electricity tariff and RON95 price UPWARDS. Inflation will shot up to 4% this year. BNM will continue its OPR hiking. Believe it? You can watch TV news and advertisements these few days. Government is "previewing" the increase, letting Rakyat to welcome it mentally. Not enough? That's why we saw news from economists saying that "Malaysia will Bankrupt, if Government do not cut subsidies". BNM governor is embracing the increase, saying "We can ride out high costs".

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