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30 June 2015

Want to be an UBER driver in Malaysia? You should read this first...

Undeniably, more and more Malaysians are flocking to the un-conventional way of hiring the taxi service via various applications such as UBER. In fact, everyone also can become a UBER driver as long as you have a car and a driving license. Then, you can start making some pocket money by providing the taxi service as and when you want to.

In Malaysia, you should think again from now onward after reading this...

The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chairman said that since 2014 to date, they have brought 85 private vehicles for hire drivers to court. "Uber is creating a lot of problems. It is trying to replace legitimate taxis by using all kinds of private cars." (Source: TheEdge)

Yesterday, MyTeksi also introducing their own application similar to UBER named GrabCar. Many taxi drivers were unhappy and staged a protest in Petaling Jaya. Authorities take this issue seriously.

Actions will be taken against UBER drivers?

According to SPAD, the use of private vehicles to carry fare-paying passengers was an offence under the Land Public Transport Act 2010. Confusing? Let's make it more clear over here. The UBER and GrabCar app itself actually is NOT ILLEGAL. However, when a driver or a service provider uses private vehicles as well as vehicles registered for hire-and-drive as a taxi, then it is ILLEGAL.

This means that the drivers must have the required Public Service License and the vehicles must be suitably licensed by SPAD with proper insurance coverage for the protection of fare paying passengers. Failing which, the driver risks having his car being confiscated by SPAD !!!

What's in it for passengers?
One word, CHEAP, because the fare is based on flat rate instead of meter based rate. That's it, and this is the main reason people are using UBER services anyway.

Why taxi fare is more expensive?

This is due to the following costing and benefits which built into the fares of legitimate taxi services:
  • Need to register with a company
  • Need to install meter billing system
  • Need to get the Public Service Vehicle (PSV) license
  • Need to be covered under commercial vehicle insurance
  • Need to go through bi-annual Puspakom safety inspections

Conclusion, advancement of technology has once again change the whole landscape of taxi services. Passengers now have another form of alternative way to commute. But, it doesn't bode down well with legitimate taxi drivers. What do you think?


  1. My buddy works for Uber in SF and he said on a daily basis they get an email of the top 10 quotes and complaints from customers. It's amazing how some customers especially the ones in other countries exalt what the company is doing

  2. What will happen to the passenger if, say, the Uber taxi met with an accident? Is he/her covered under the insurance of the driver of the Uber taxi ? Worst still, can the passenger claim his/her own insurance policy if he/she got one? Just curios here.

  3. Uber has changed the taxi business. People always expect something new and cheaper. Uber taxi business is one the these changes.

  4. Dignity dignity dignity.... Does any one taxi driver know the meaning, ripe off ripe off ripe off, reason gst, spad, puspacom,PSV,metered,traffic jam, peak hours, wrong direction all for what. If the meter of the taxi works perfectly and drivers have honesty why uber,Grabcar or dicknhairy will take advantage... Uber was big failure in japan... Why taxi drivers in Japan never protest, never fight because they are dignified, honesty, honoured,service orientated... Uber didn't stand a chance to participate the competition.. Get to know your facts right.. Take example for Japan not Indonesia moron taxi drivers

  5. Autoshield is Singapore Car Insurance organization offers Uber Insurance with best costs. Get Insurance for engine and auto. Collision protection can be furnished effortlessly. Here are possibilities for the Uber Insurance, Grab Insurance, Motor Insurance, Auto Insurance, Singapore Car Insurance, Car Insurance NTUC, NTUC Car Insurance, NTUC Income Car Insurance, Cheapest Car Insurance In Singapore and Online Car Insurance.

  6. Hari ini memulakan tugas agak lewat pada jam 3.00 ptg dan tamat 7.30malam

    Masa kerja = 4 jam 30minit.
    Jarak perjalanan = 150km
    Jumlah tambang = rm64.37
    25% uber fee = rm16.09
    toll = rm5.80
    Boost = rm3.80

    jumlah cash diperolehi :57.88
    deposit bank = -rm1.41

    Isi petrol = rm30
    topup tngo = rm20
    baki dlm tangan = rm7.88

    Adakah anda rasa kerja memandu UBER berbaloi? Tepuk dada tanya hati.

    itu belum kos servis setiap 5000km = rm300 atau rm0.06/km. utk 150km = rm9.00

    juga kos tayar rm800 setiap 60,000km atau rm0.01333333/km. utk 150km= rm2.

    jumlah servis = rm11.00

    maka apakah yg kami pemandu UBER dapat adalah penat semata mata.. PERHAMBAAN MORDEN.


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