Time for Paris until 31 Mar

Time for Paris until 31 Mar
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26 April 2015

Personal Tax Relief for YA2014

Coming to the last weekend of personal income tax e-filing (if without any extension period), here is the updated list of various tax relief granted for your reference. Not much changes from YA2013, except on the following items:

  • NO more special tax relief of RM2,000 (ONLY available for YA2013)
  • Reminder: Each unmarried child 18 years old and above, with certain condition as shown in picture below, has been increased to RM6,000 since YA2013.

You may also read our previous tax-related posts below:

23 April 2015

The 4 New EPF Initiatives... Good or Bad ?

After EPF announcing that they would like to propose 4 new initiatives to improve the current scheme, many Malaysian voiced their concern especially on the withdrawal age. What are these initiatives actually? How is going to affect us? And, most importantly, is it a good or bad move?

From 21st April till 5th May (two weeks only), EPF members are encouraged to participate in the survey being conducted by the board via their EPF i-Akaun such as below.

13 April 2015

Introducing the all NEW EPF Members Investment Scheme Information Portal (April 2015)

Another very good initiative by the Employee Provident Fund (EPF), a new online portal was launched today to provide the necessary information for all EPF members who conduct their own research and survey on all unit trust funds that were offered under the EPF Members-Investment Scheme (EPF-MIS). Most importantly, it's FREE !!!

The portal named "EPF Members Investment Scheme Information Portal" is managed by an external party and it is accessible as long as the member have an EPF i-Akaun log in.

How to access?

09 April 2015

What is PTPTN Income Contingent Loan ?

Most of the Malaysian who study local universities will borrow from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN). Meaning all of those undergraduates are actually indebted when they further their tertiary studies. Well, this is consider a good debt instead if you finished your study and get a good job to repay back the loan later.

However, statistic shows that many of those graduates defaulted their PTPTN loan after graduating from universities. Few years back, government even reduces the loan interest from 3% to 1% p.a. but yet still no improvement. How about 20% discount if you settled off your loan in one lump sum?

Still not enough...