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24 December 2012

Exclusive Interview: YUMI WONG

Malaysia's upcoming popular model, Yumi Wong is the name you can't forget in the near future. She is pretty, famous and most important is very young. At the age of 23 only currently, she already features in many tv commercial, magazines, one of the most sought after model in town, and as an ambassador of many companies. Read to know more about Yumi:

  1. When were you started to join the modelling/entertainment industry? And, how?
    Still remember that when I am still in school, one of my friend got a freelance job and she needed someone to accompany her. She asked few of our friends on trying to get the job, while I'm like no harm, just try. But, in the end, only I myself got the job. This is how I started by becoming a freelancer and keep doing it until making it as my career.

  2. What's your BEST achievement so far?
    Best achievement? Hmmm, I won't say that I had any great achievement so far because I think that although I have been in this industry for few years, it was only recently it became a career for me. This is just the beginning for me actually. So, I would say that the best achievement is the support and trust from the people, clients and sponsors.

  3. We believe your fans would like to know your plans for 2013. Can tell us abit?
    My plans in 2013 is... stop gaining weight! Lol ~ and of course in 2013, other than getting better for whatever I'm doing, I would love to do more acting, learn better acting skills, and show my fans the different side of Yumi. Stay tune ya...

  4. It's awesome that you have so many followers via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... Any words to them over here?
    Yes! My words to them is: "Thank you so much for supporting me all this while. Without you guys, Yumi will never be able to make it until here today. I will work harder, learn more new things and never let you guys down. Love you all ~ XOXO"

  5. Since your schedule was so tight, how do you juggle between your time and work?
    Arrg ~ this is very hard! But right now, most of the time I will spend on my work. For whatever activities, work come first for me because I think that I'm still young, still able to work more, as long as I got enough time to rest. Yup, I will spend my day just for working. Anyway, my job is quite fun after all.

  6. Finally, how are you going to manage your personal financial matters? Are you a shopaholic?
    Well, shopping is what every girls' activities all the time! It was like breathing, and we can't stop or change it!!! But, I myself will only shop for what I need, I don't like wasting stuffs. As long as it still can be use, I will not buy a new one to replace it. So, my answer is YES I did shopping sometime, but not a shopaholic at all. And, I am quite a good money saver (I think).

Finance Malaysia blog hereby thanks Yumi for the interview and sincerely wishes her to be the next TOP international model from Malaysia, and successful in whatever things she venture into. If you want to know more about Yumi and her latest updates, you may "Like" Yumi Wong Facebook fan page.

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