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18 February 2020

[COVID-19] Extra Coverage from various Insurance Companies (Feb 2020)

Having a new official name as COVID-19, the deadly virus already infected more than 70,000 people and claimed more than 1,500 lives worldwide (and still counting...). It caused an extensive health scare and has since received wide media coverage.

Image result for COVID19 malaysia

And, one of the most common questions asked was "Is it covered by insurance?" Read our earlier article on "Health Insurance / Takaful Coverage for Novel Coronavirus (2019-NCOV)".

As of 18 Feb 2020, there are three insurance companies announcing that they are giving extra coverage / financial assistance for policyholders who diagnosed with COVID-19, on top of the medical/hospitalization coverage mentioned above.

Which Insurance Companies?
What kind of coverage provided?
Coverage is for policyholders only or family members?

Let us summarise for you here. (Hey, please give us a 'Like' 👦👧).

UPDATED VERSION on 25 March 2020


Generally, for hospitalization benefit, the person MUST diagnose of COVID-19 and keep in quarantine at any of the Ministry of Health Malaysia designated hospitals. Not your own house. 😹😹😹

Is it chargeable to policyholders?

No. It's FREE and it's automatically covered !!!

Exclusions: (Pretty standard and it does make sense)

a)  Any sickness or disease other than those caused by Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV); or
b)  Any pre-existing conditions prior to the commencement date of the policy/certificate.
c)  Any group/employee benefits plans. (unless stated otherwise)



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