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25 February 2023

(Budget 2023) How Much is your Tax Savings or Tax Burden?

During the re-tabled of Budget 2023, Prime Minister cum Finance Minster Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the government realised it has not provided much for the country’s middle-income M40 group as the focus has been on assisting the B40 and hardcore poor in recent years.

In dealing with high cost of living and increasing disposable income among middle-income Rakyat, it is proposed the resident individual income tax rate be reduced by 2% for each chargeable income band between RM35,001 to RM100,000.

At the same time, the government will raise the tax rate of those earning between RM100,000 and RM1 million by 0.5% to 2%, depending on their income brackets.

How much is the tax savings or tax burden?

18 February 2023

6 counters that may satisfy your ESG appetite

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is a term used to represent an organization's corporate financial interests that focus mainly on sustainable and ethical impacts. Capital markets use ESG to evaluate organizations and determine future financial performance.

Since 2021, research analysts have assigned ESG scores to all companies under their coverage, monitored these scores, and also integrated them into their stock valuations. We believe sustainable investment strategies will continue to deliver above-market returns.

ESG has widened a company’s stakeholder list but how corporates embrace, adapt and benefit from ESG can be equally broad, from the use of more renewable energy to the introduction of new products.

And, in this article, we would like to highlight some of the listed companies on Bursa Malaysia, which is doing good in terms of ESG and why.

Let's kick things off with the below (not in any specific rankings)...

06 February 2023

Top 10 Technology Trend Forecasting for 2023

Alibaba DAMO Academy (“DAMO”), the global research initiative by Alibaba Group, has shared its annual forecasting of the leading technology trends that could shape many industries in the years ahead.

Among the leading technology trends, Generative AI, which has already gained considerable traction, is expected to make further strides with its growing applications set to transform how digital content is produced. Aided by future technological advancements and cost reductions, Generative AI will become an inclusive technology that can significantly enhance the variety, creativity and efficiency of content creation, according to DAMO.

By analyzing public papers and patent filings over the past three years and conducting interviews with almost 100 scientists, entrepreneurs and engineers worldwide, DAMO presents the top technology trends in 2023 that are expected to achieve accelerated breakthroughs and impact positively across core industries economically and socially.

In 2023, DAMO expects to see technology progress and the surge of related applications across fields: