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21 April 2021

A Letter from Top Glove's Tan Sri Dr. Lim Wee Chai on 19 April 2021

If you're one of Top Glove's shareholders, you will receive an email letter with the subject: "Top Glove: A Letter from Executive Chairman to Shareholders"

This was like kind of investor relation act from the world's largest glove company, especially after the recent headlines grabbing topic of forced labour in it's Malaysia operation, resulting US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to issued an order in July last year that barred imports from two of Top Glove's subsidiaries on suspicion of labour abuses.

Even worse, the ban was extended to all disposable gloves originating in Top Glove factories in Malaysia since 29 March 2021.

So, what is it all about?
Curious to know?

Let's enjoy your read below:

20 April 2021

EPF will stop dividend payments to members after 75 years old? Please read this...

What the ???

Many rumours regarding our retirement fund EPF has been circulating in social media all this while (as long as I know there is EPF in this world). Lol. ð›± ð›± ð›±  And, one of the hot topic is whether EPF will continue to payout dividends to members aged 75 and above?

And, being a financial-focused blog, for sure we have to write about this matter. Please read on...

By the way, why 75 and not 65 or 85 or 95? 