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20 June 2019

How to get FREE Petrol from Petronas via Setel ???

Are you a Petronas customer?
Are you pumping petrol regularly?

Are you a Free-bie lover?

If you answered all YES to the above questions, the chances are you would be very much in love with this article. Keep reading on.

SEVEN + ONE Reason why you should start using Setel ???

06 June 2019

Key Highlights of e-Commerce Consumers Survey 2018

The e-Commerce Consumers Survey 2018 (ECS 2018) is the first purpose built survey conducted by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to understand characteristics and behaviours of e-Commerce consumers in Malaysia.

In addition, the survey also covers challenges faced by consumers to 
adopt e-Commerce.

The survey focused on selected key indicators including the following:
i. e-Commerce experiences;
ii. purchasing;
iii. product delivery;
iv. product return;
v. security and privacy; and
vi. demographics and socio-economics background of consumers and non-consumers.

In the full 49 pages of survey report, let us zoom into these key highlights